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Intrinsically Safe Confined Space Rescue Systems

Hardline Rescue Kit 1 with Power Talk Box

Savox Hardline Rescue Kit 1 with Power Talk Box is our best selling technical rescue confined space kit.

Hardline Rescue Kit 5 with Power Talk Box – Suitable for Six Rescuers

Savox Con-Space Hardline Rescue Kit 5 with Power Talk Box  enables simultaneous, two-way voice communications between the rescuers and the victim. Rescuers use it where traditional radios fail or when hands-free, secured communications are required.

Hardline USAR Task Force Kit – a Two-Way Voice Communication and Rescue System

This comprehensive kit can be configured according to the type of rescue required. The USAR Task Force Kit provides hands-free, full duplex (simultaneous two-way) private communication between the victim and the rescuers.

Hardline Rescue Probe Option

Savox Hardline Rescue Probe is a watertight and shock resistant microphone built in cylindrical stainless steel housing used for locating and communicating with trapped victims in a structural collapse. Used in conjunction with other Con-Space hardline equipment to form an entire intrinsically safe approved hardline victim location system, the probe can be deployed between single or multiple rescue teams and is a great tool for first responders.

Hardline CSI-2000 Fuel Cell Entry Kit

Savox Hardline Fuel Cell Entry Kit contains the equipment necessary to provide safe, reliable continuous two-way communication between a safety attendant and confined space workers. Supports one safety attendant and fuel cell technicians with or without breathing apparatuses to a distance of 25 meters.

Hasty Search Kit – Your Rapid Deployment Search and Rescue Kit

The Hasty Search Kit™ has been specifically configured for urban search and rescue teams, “enhanced” rescue squads, regional task forces and SUSAR teams who are seeking a high quality, easy to use, cost effective, all-in-one technical search system for their standard equipment cache.

Disaster Deployment Kit – The All-in-One Search and Rescue Toolbox

The Savox Disaster Deployment Kit is a real all-in-one search and rescue toolbox for professional search and rescue teams. It provides tools for visual victim search and locating, as well as life detection by means of seismic and acoustic sensors.